Moruya High School

Vive Atque Disce

Telephone02 4474 2155


Japanese Gift

As part of Moruya High's very exciting and rapidly approaching excursion to Japan, our staff and students will be visiting a Japanese school.

As gift giving is an important part of Japanese culture, the staff supervising the excursion wanted to make sure they brought something very special and meaningful that was representative of our school and community.

Fortunately, we have some very talented and generous staff at Moruya High who have donated their time and expertise to create a beautiful gift for our trip. Art teacher Ms Jo Best-McMahon has painted a beautiful landscape of Moruya, which has been expertly framed by TAS teacher Mr Dan Edwards.

We are very grateful to both of these staff for making the beautiful gift pictured here and look forward to presenting it to our Japanese hosts.