Moruya High School has a School Enews app that can be downloaded from the Apple Store ( ) or Google Play ( ).
There is a lot of information that can be accessed from the app including:
- News items
- School Calendar/Events
- Make a payments link
- Links to the school website and student and parent portal
- Social media links including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The news section allows you to find and get notifications for specific years such as information of events and excursions.
Parents/carers can select what lists they would like to see simply by going into the settings icon on the app and selecting or deselecting the appropriate list.
The school calendar is available to be added to your personal phone or calendaring system. This calendar is constantly updated so make sure you subscribe to the url rather than download the file.
This calendar lists:
- All excursions
- All school events
- All holidays, School Development Days, and the begining and end of terms