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Moruya High School

Vive Atque Disce

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Year 9 LEAP Enrichment Program at University of Wollongong

year 9 leap class

Students in the Year 9 LEAP class participated in an enrichment program at the University of Wollongong, Eurobodalla Campus on Tuesday July 2. The purpose of the day was to broaden the learning experience of high potential by applying learning to new and different contexts. This excursion was supported by research from the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) which advocates for enrichment programs as an effective strategy for gifted learners.

Students started the day with discussions around thinking and knowledge, which developed skills for students to work in small groups to problem solve solutions to complex issues, such as homelessness, poverty, climate change and social media. Students found the day both challenging and rewarding and was one of the many strategies MHS is implementing to support the LEAP class.