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Moruya High School

Vive Atque Disce

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Hard Work, Trust and Support: A Formula for Success

girls volleyball team

Looking back on the road travelled by the girls volleyball team we have had time to reflect on what got us here. The team getting recognition for their success at the formal assembly and playing at Homebush is a small part of the story. When I watched them take their bow, I realised that only part of the story is revealed. Watching them shyly shake hands and graciously accept the accolade is slither of what got them to their success.

Support came in many forms and involved many different people. Support of parents at games, afternoon pickups from training and early morning drop-offs for tournaments have made it possible for the team to thrive. Support from the school in the form of a training facility and the ability to use a bus to travel from Cooma to Sydney have made preparing for and playing in tournaments effortless. I will also defer to one of the players who also wrote a thank you note to Mr English:

“A huge thank you to Mr English who has kindly subsidised the trip to Sydney for the Girls Volleyball Team who will be participating in the state championships. This opportunity will be an amazing way for the girls to not only grow as individual players but also as a team. Through student sporting grants Mr English has been his own team player and made it much easier for this once in a lifetime opportunity to become reality. On behalf of the girls team we all sincerely thank you for providing us with this opportunity and for your ongoing kindness and dedication to the pupils of Moruya High School.” (Sophie Norris)

Trust was an essential element in our success. Trust in oneself, not something that is easy to develop, was developed as we progressed. It trickled into trusting a team mate that they have the ability to do their best on court. This helped strengthen their trust in themselves to win and get through to the carnival. 

Finally there is hard work. As much as it would be easy to take credit for their success, it would be a false fiction. Those around the girls provide the environment and opportunity for success but the moment their runners hit the court it was down to them and all the hard work to get there. They would come to training during their lunch, they would play volleyball as a reward for being respectful, responsible and aspirational students, they would stay after school to play and improve their volleyball skills and then they would travel to Ulladulla after that just to play some more volleyball in the evening. They just worked hard.

This is why they are a joy to manage, this why I am willing to go the extra mile for them, this is why we are going to the state carnival with the best teams in NSW.

It is with a small tinge of sadness that this tournament will be the final campaign for Sophie, Kailee and Abigail and at the formal assembly the team presented them with golden volleyballs to honour their years of play and commitment to the team.