14 Nov 2022

‘D-Minor’ visited MHS to speak with the students about the adversities he has faced, his music career and how to find your passion. He performed one of his raps for us all to enjoy. After his presentation a small group of interested students were able to ask D-Minor some questions and go through how to write lyrics together.
Thank you ‘D Minor’ the students and staff thoroughly enjoyed your time at MHS.
Daniel 'D Minor' Harvey is an award-winning 24-year-old international recording and performing artist from Sydney Australia whose original music has captured the hearts of millions worldwide.
'D Minor’s' talent was evident at an early age when he began penning rap lyrics while growing up in a turbulent family life. At the age of 11, he found himself homeless with his twin brother, which became the inspiration for his first hit single Concrete Pillow, where he tells of sleeping next to bakeries for warmth and shuffling between foster homes and refuges.
“What drew me to Stand Tall was their passion for young people and the message that no matter how many times you walk through a storm in life just stand tall and keep moving forward. What I want to achieve as an ambassador is to share my story and music in hope to inspire anyone going through some form of struggle.” (courtesy of the Standtallevent.com website)