Moruya High School

Vive Atque Disce

Telephone02 4474 2155

Will Set Up the 4th Best Team in the State

student playing volleyball

Will S recently returned from a successful Combined High School volleyball state carnival in Port Macquarie. Will was selected to play on the South Coast team last year and returned this year as a lynch pin player for the team.

Will was selected to play as a back court setter, an important specialist position requiring athletic skills and a calm strategic mind and also went the extra mile in preparing for the tournament. He attended regular training in Bomaderry with the South Coast team on top of training at Moruya High at lunch times and after school on Wednesday. Will even enjoys a training session and game at Batemans Bay High after school on Mondays. He was inspired by the skills of previous players Ael Hennequinn and Kayden Dunne to be an agile passer across the court with a booming serve.

The Port Macquarie tournament brings together the best players from across the state to play against each other over three days. The South Coast played eight games against teams from Sydney and the regional areas of New South Wales and finished 4th in the state. This is the highest place for the South Coast team for the last ten years. Congratulations to Will and the South Coast team for delivering such an impressive result.